Monday, 11 February 2013

Visit of the General Secretary to Postal Directorate.

General Secretary, CHQ President, Shri Ajith Kumar ASP (PMU) & other ASPs visited Postal Directorate from 6th February 2013 to 8th February 2013 and met with new Secretary (Posts) and other Senior Officers. During these informal meetings, following pending issues were discussed in detail and present status is noted against each.

Sl. No.
Issues discussed
Present status
Agenda for holding of periodical meeting with Secretary (Posts)
It was assured that, periodical meetings will be held very shortly. Action taken reports on our agenda items are awaited from DDG (P) and DDG (Estt).
Restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre
Fresh meeting on this issue is likely to be held in near future.
Regarding issuance of repatriation orders in PS Gr. B cadre
The requests of the PS Gr. B officers who have completed one year service in other circle will be repatriated to their home circle first on the basis of availability of vacancies. It was informed that promotion orders issued under Directorate memo No. 9-23/2012-SPG dated 28/12/2012 will be implemented first. Near about 60 representations have been received at Directorate for change of circle, retention in the parent circle on health ground etc.
Supply of Laptop to all IPs/ASPs
It was informed that, this issue may be taken up at circle level for purchasing laptops from ‘OE’ fund. In case of any difficulty faced at circle level may be pointed out to Directorate.
Utilization of surplus PS Gr. B post of erstwhile Supdt. RSD Mumbai as Sr. PM, Chembur HO (Maharashtra Circle)
Issue is under examination at establishment division of Directorate.
Verification of SB withdrawals exceeding Rs.5000/-
It was informed that on introduction of CBS, the present provision of verification of SB withdrawals through SDI (P)/ASP or PRI (P) will be discontinued. Even though on our request Directorate is considering the proposal to enhance the limit soon.
Recruitment Rules for the post of Assistant Manager in MMS
New RRs is likely to be issued shortly.
Role of Sub Divisional Head while handling loss and fraud cases exceeding the limit of Rs. 20000/-
This issue is under examination at Directorate.
Quota of General Line in PS Gr. B Examination
This will be settled at the time of framing new RRs of PS Gr. B cadre. It was decided by Directorate that only 3% quota will be given to General Line.
Inter-Circle transfer of Inspector Posts under Rule 38 of P&T Manual Vol. IV.
This issue was discussed in depth. Few individual genuine cases brought to the notice of Hon’ble Secretary (Posts) and it was informed to us that HOC may consider the cases on merit as per instructions issued and in case of any difficulty the same may be pointed out to Directorate.
Issue of combined All India Seniority List of Inspector Posts from the year 1999
Combined All India Seniority List up to 2001 is ready and will be circulated in near future. Remaining seniority lists will also be compiled and issued in phased manner.
Result of PS Gr. B Examination 2011
It has been decided by Directorate that the result will be recast due to some errors in the answer keys of both question papers. Some more IPs / ASPs are likely to be declared successful after recasting. One ASP from Rajasthan circle has already filed CAT case under OA No. 487/2012.
DPC for JTS Gr. A cadre
It was agreed that DPC is delayed. File has already been sent to UPSC for deciding the date for holding of DPC.
Declaration of result of Inspector Posts Examination 2012 (West Bengal circle)
Result is ready for declaration and file has already sent to competent authority for approval. On receipt of approval, result will be declared.


Source : CHQ Blog

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