Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Letter to Secretary (Posts) regarding repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to Home Circle

No. GS/IPASP/Repatriation/2013  dated 26/3/2013

Ms P Gopinath,
Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi 110 001.

 Sub : Repatriation of PS Gr. B officers to Home Circle – Reg.

 Ref. : Directorate file No. 9-11/2013-SPG Dt. 15.02.2013

 Respected Madam,

            This Association would like to bring to your kind notice that Directorate vide memo No. 9-23/2012-SPG dated 28/12/2012 has issued promotion and postings in Postal Service Group “B” cadre for the vacancy year 2012-13 for 210 officers and again unexpectedly list of 6 officers was issued on 5/3/2013. It may be seen from file at Directorate that, this Association had issued series of letters for timely convening of DPC for the promotion to PS Gr. B cadre but every year DPC for promotion to PS Gr. B cadre was delayed for one or other reasons thereby effecting efficiency of the department.

Directorate while sensing worsening position of PS Group ‘B’ cadre in Punjab and Karnataka and to cope up with the shortage problem, favourably issued repatriation/re-allotment orders of some of the PS Group “B” officers against future vacancies arising upto 31/3/2013. During the course of informal meeting with Hon’ble Secretary (Posts) on 6/2/2013 this vital and appreciable issue was discussed in detail citing the worsening position of Tamil Nadu circle occurred due to enblock promotion in PS Group “B”through LDCE. It was assured by your honour that the officers who have completed one year service will be repatriated to their home circle against the existing vacancies. Despite bringing this fact to the notice of Directorate vide letter of even number dated 1/3/2013, nothing has been heard till date what to say of repatriation before completing one year.

Madam, you will agree that a large number of STS/JTS vacancies are lying vacant in Circles since long and PS Group “B”officers are officiating against these posts creating resultant vacancies in Group “B” in circles and imbalance thereof upto ASP/IP level affecting timely promotion in each cadre. Only repatriation can minimise the imbalance occurring in the circles and bring respite to the affected persons. It is pertinent to mention here that hitherto General line officials promoted through LDCE have been given same Circle for the last two years ignoring the right of IP Cadre promotees who always have had acted as a part of Administration shouldering the responsibilities for implementation of Govt policies and discharged them at all cost. Punjab and Andhra Pradesh Circle are set examples of this discrimination. Resultantly, immense hard work of 25 years in IP Cadre could not bring any solace in one’s career progression and our members are left to join at a distant place or forced through backdoor to give refusals and to work in IP/ASP cadre only. In this way, discrimination has been handed over to our members being no fault of them.

It is understood that Directorate vide letter No. 9-11/2013-SPG dated 15.02.2013 had issued directions to circles for completion of joining process of promotion ordered by targeted date 28.12.2012 and submission of vacancy reports by 8/3/2013. The exercise has since been completed now. It is therefore once again requested to kindly look into this matter sympathetically and cause issue of repatriation orders at the earliest.   

With seasonal greetings,


Yours sincerely,

(Vilas Ingale)

General Secretary

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