Tuesday, 11 February 2014

CHQ News : AIC Ahmedabad : Resolutions thereof

Following resolutions have unanimously passed in 38th All India Biennial Conference held at Ahmedabad on 7th and 8th February 2014.

1. Withdrawal of compulsory service of minimum of 2 years in RMS/Postal side for being eligible for promotion to the cadre of ASP and a compulsory service of minimum of 3 years in RMS/Postal side for being eligible for promotion to the cadre of PS Group B. CLICK HERE to view the resolution.
2. Supply of laptops to all IPs/ASPs in the Department of Posts. CLICK HERE to read.
3. Issue of combined seniority list of Inspector Posts cadre up to 31/12/2013. CLICK HERE to read.

4. Adequate accommodation to Sub Divisional Heads. CLICK HERE to read.

5. Enhancement of honorarium to Inquiry Officer and Presenting Officer. CLICK HERE to read.

1 comment:

  1. To avoid delay/confusion/loss to the cadre etc, the following strategy may be adopted :
    (a) All the Sr PM post may be surrendered for general line just like what happened for HSG-I Postmaster(IP line) post
    (b) Instead, against these surrendered posts, we may ask for creation of new posts (Group B) at RO/CO as AD(BD) and AD(Tech) etc as the existing AD(BD) and AD(tech) posts at RO/CO are not created but diverted/temporarily attached by abolishing the SP PSD/Dy SPOs posts in many circle. By creating new posts of AD(BD)/Tech there will be a full fledged ADs for BD and tech aspect who will be directly reporting to PMG(BD)/DPS(BD) which are newly created/redesignated.
    (c) In respect of division, every big division consisting of more that 3 sub division may be headed by SSP and deputy SP post should be created in such division to assist the SSP in Inspection/investigation work etc.
    Nowadays, being a head of division is very difficult for many reason/ including high work pressure and unimaginary targets fixed. For smoother functioning without pressure following demands may also be putforth :-
    (a) All the division irrespective of number of subdivision should be headed by SSP (JTS)
    (b) The APMG/ADG posts at Regional office/circle office/Dte should immediately be downgraded to AD posts so that no JTS can work in RO/CO/Dte in in their initial stage of appointment (untill he is promoted to JAG).
    By doing so, all the direct IPS officer can't escape from the role of heading the division and achieving the unimaginary target assigned to division nowadays which in turn safeguard the promotee Group B officers in a long run.
    For this we can show some matching savings in the shape of givingup the Sr PM posts/downgrading the APMG/ADG Posts as well as those skeleton posts of Dy chief postmaster at GPOs etc.


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