Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Extend support to the Flood Victims of Postal Fraternity in Kerala


To extend the support to the Flood Victims of Postal Fraternity in Kerala, it has been decided in the emergent meeting held on 20.08.18 that each and every member of our Association of West Bengal Circle Branch will contribute @ Rs 200/- (it can be more if any one wishes) for this purpose. The person holding the charge of ASP(HQ) in a division will collect money from all our members of his/her division, deposit the amount in Yogayog Bhawan  PO  SB Account no 3365548408    (SOL ID 70001203) in the name of Arup Kumar Seal &  Shyamal Das. invariably within Saturday, the 25th August and send the name of contributors through Whats App Platform of this Association. This Association is liable to contribute to the flood victims by utilizing the deposits which will be credited by 25.08.18 only.

For Monitoring:

1.     Sri Koushik Baneerje- HQ Region (including Andaman)

2.    Sri Swapan Pal- Kolkata Region

3.    Sri Sabyasachi Burman- North Bengal Region (including Sikkim)

4.    Sri Utpal Ray- M&BD  Region

5.    Sk Shamim Mehmud- SB Region

*** Sri Sanjay Biswas, Treasurer  and Sri Shyamal Das, Asst Treasurer  shall keep close watch on the amount deposited  in the account day by day.

                                                                                              Circle Secretary

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